Jeremiah's Testimonial
greeting in the name of Jesus!
Kong is not a place of Christian city. Most of the family
believe in tradition Chinese religions, such as the
worship of ancestor. Fortunately, I have the chance
to hear the gospel as I studied in a Christian primary
school as church is repsonsible of the majority of Hong
Kong education. I was eager to become a Christian although
I didn't understand the content of the gospel. It is
because my teacher used to frighten us that the Hell
is a horriable place. I wanted to be a christian becuase
I just wanted to escape the eternal judgement. By the
way, I didn't know the direction of becoming a Christian.
However, I used to follow the strick direction of my
living. I thought that I may enter the heaven because
of my well being. Perhaps you may call me a Pharasises
at that time.
I was promoted to a secondary school, I have the chance
to hear the entire gospel. A academic brother invited
me to go to his church. Of course, I promised him because
I wanted to know the way to the heaven. In the sunday
school, the preacher invited me to pray to receive Christ.
Although I didn't understand the meaning of the prayer,
I followed the prayer as I thought that it might be
the magic spell of entering the kingdom. I did not saved
at that moment.
wounderful changes happened. When I read the Gospel
of John, I had special insights that I had never had.
When I read the chapter one of John, I feeled upset
that why didn't I accept the 'light'. Then, when I read
the passage that Jesus healed the blind; I feel that
my eye is opened to see that Jesus is the Lord. Then,
I followed the guideline of a booklet of good news and
pray to receive the Christ.
may see the wounderful works of Christ. He finds me
Himself and have the works on me. After my receving
of Christ, I still has the good behavior and being as
before. However, I do the good work for my loving of
Christ but not for earning the 'ticket of heaven'.
you surprised when you see the wonderful creation of
the world? I am awaked when I see the wonderful world.
You may have many reason to object the argument of the
existence of God, I too. After attending the lecture
of Religious Studies, I learn to interpret my faith
with differenct 'scientifc' way. However, I would like
to be the fool who believe in God than a clever who
do not believe in God! It is because I cannot deny the
value religious experience.
When I see the Cross,
I will remember my Saviour who die for everyone
of the world.
I have decided to be a for Christ;
Whom are you crazy for?
Less of me more
of You
Less of me more
of You
Less of me more
of You
Less of me more
of You
Less of me more
of You
Less of me more
of You
Less of me more
of You